In truth, that is the un justice you are really fighting on the streets. It just looks like a "today" problem, but these patterns have been repeating themselves since the dawn of time. Don't you think more personal responsibility to heal would be teaching your children the truth and how to be the love you want to be and see in the world?
What holds you in the bondage of your past? How are you dealing with your pain ? Protesting? Fighting? Creating another cause? All conflict begins and ends within you. Marching does not make anything "right" it opposes, creating more conflict. How do you think your children are learning to be the love you want to see in the world through your resistance? They are not. They are like most trying to use the same consciousness that created the problem to solve it. There are ways to show your children without dividing their minds and hearts to be part of the loving solution by being the example of how you love yourself more and come back to the heart of peace when you find yourself conflicted. Don't share the story of your pain with them, turn their faces from it and show them the truth of life, the love of life, the God within it, and the perfection within everything. Taking personal responsibility for the pain that keeps you trying to "right" the injustices of the world, (operative word being world) is the only way to heal the past and create a loving future. Ancestral patterns created in the world continue to be passed down not genetically (that is binding and limiting human excuse for repeating unwanted behaviour) but through ignor-ance passed down generation after generation ENERGETICALLY . So the patterns are in you and perpetuated in the life you create until transformed, most often disguised as 'different' behaviour than your experience or someone else's story of it. Isn't the perceived oppression of your parents when you were a child the REAL reason you oppose those like Trump? Your unspoken words as a child stuck in your craw. . . Don't you see people like him are just pushing a hot button already there? Can you see the truth for a minute and realize that our unhealed pain creates that reflection in external reality??? I know, I know, I am the bad guy now. . . simply by saying what you do not want to hear. Isn't that again your parents? Yes, it is , I know so. There has not been ONE negative thought or feeling I have had where I couldn't go within and find my wounded child feeling that way at hands of either parent or one of my hurtful siblings. Many of you convince yourself that because you are marching with a soy latte and malla beads on your left wrist, that somehow this makes your resistance (key word resistance) more spiritual or evolved. My mother could have been considered a slave owner the way she ran 7 of her 8 children to do her chores. All of my rage about that could have been projected from within out into the world and I could have created the biggest march in history, against the parents! Humans are forever searching for something external to blame on their internal pain. By today's neanderthalic standards I could argue, and unfortunately be supported, that her behaviour is inherent in her Germanic/ English genetics, (because she is white, the most commonly used buzz words) and that anyone with olive skin and brown hair would naturally be reduced to become her domestic work force, but that is just human conjecture, i.e. bullshit. My mother wrote a rule book that my father enforced that dictated everything we did in our day from sun up to sundown. We were punished when we didn't sit up straight, eat our food incorrectly, spoke out of turn, when we did anything wrong or incomplete. She took away our freedom from activities that we loved, kept our home the temperature of the morgue, slapped us in the face and imposed her righteousness upon us keeping our spirits underwater our whole young lives. The lily white colour of her skin and the olive skin of my Italian father didn't make them abusers , their pain did. The patterns of energy within those cultures, hence familial patterns, re-lived, re-visited, re- enforced and empowered through the undying stories of human experience of dominance and victimhood not allowed to die through transformation just kept adding fuel to the fire. Not just from my mother' s dominant "side" but my father's that knelt in victimhood at the other end of that sword. All "sides" must take personal responsibility or they will forever be fighting on the battle field of pain and illusion. Had I not taken responsibility to transform myself out of the energy field of abuses I endured as a child , those patterns would be repeated no matter how much I changed my outer world, the vibration would remain the same and so would the pattern. Therefore when you don't learn to love yourself and heal, you believe you are teaching your children to be more loving through resistance in the outer world, but you are in fact teaching them to fight and remain divided , to remain in fear, blaming from one end of the sword or the other. Because I choose to make love my reason for being, I continue to take responsibility to transform my pain from childhood where it all began this life, or I would be making Donald Trump, politicians, big business, wall street, money, other cultures and religions and all people I would hold in contempt to be the reason for any unhappiness I feel in my life. I would be against the world and marching to prove my anger, discontent and righteousness missing the point of life entirely and the opportunity to be part of the solution. -Siobhan Nicolaou, The Sword of Truth
First I’d like to point out that Realtor Magazine refused to post my comments below responding to their charts statistics and analysis on this topic on their online magazine. This industry must evolve, it's ridiculous that it won't.
As an expert in the field of energy transformation with 30 years experience working on extreme cases of energy in humans and homes, I can say that there is nothing wrong with buying a great house at a discount where a murder or meth lab or any other tragedy has occurred if it is brought into harmony and energetic transformation by a savvy experienced professional. We are not talking about simply crossing over souls, we are talking about the energetic transformation of the structure and property itself. Energy does not dissipate, it must be transformed in order to bring about lasting and complete peace in a dwelling. There is way more to this science than being a psychic medium. We wish this important service was as common as the staging of a house so that people didn't have to be terrified or have suffered losses before they seek help. These findings are great but do not help the underlying problem. Plus they are incomplete as they do not speak to why this trend is happening. We do. The survey's findings: "The potential for a crime near the home is a bigger concern for more people than a home that is possibly haunted by ghosts. More than 75% of respondents say they are less likely to buy a home if it was located in a crime-heavy area, near a prison, or was previously used as a meth lab. But only 54% said purchasing a haunted house was a problem". What people do not realize is that any haunting, murder, unresolved death, or drug energy even in a nice area negatively affects the people who live in the house and the neighborhood itself which opens the door to more crime. The lower energy of these incidents brings back more experiences of the like in resonance. This is science not new age mumbo jumbo. It's these unresolved fields of energy that create a "crime area" or recurring crimes and accidents in the location. "Younger generations may be the most open to buying a haunted home. Millennials were 13 times more likely to purchase a haunted house and 17 times more likely to pay more for it than baby boomers, the survey showed". The millennials are not only watching the numerous ghost hunting show which glamorize and exploit spirits but they are also looking for deals. Many younger folks think its "cool" to live somewhere there is a ghost, but the truth is most often they cannot afford to rent or buy where they would like to so they live here they must and take advantage of the newer trend in Real Estate which drastically reduces the price where heinous crimes have occurred to get the sale" "In fact, one in four supernatural believers said they’re more likely to purchase a home if it was haunted, someone died there of natural causes or was murdered, or if it was located near a cemetery. For every home, there is a buyer. Consider, consumers who say they’ve had a supernatural experience in a home are 13 times more likely to pay more for a house that is haunted than those who hadn’t, the Clever Real Estate survey showed". These supernatural believers play with ghosts, conjure spirits, and in most cases have no clue what they are playing with or what they are inviting to be part of their experience, even by “ignoring” them. They are considered part of the larger problem, not the solution to selling or renting homes most people wouldn't live in. In any case, the energy is magnified through their morbid curiosities and low vibrational “magic” and neighborhoods have a harder time healing and becoming whole as a result. So many spiritual players, so few playing in higher consciousness. Be part of the solution and contact me to resolve these issues in your home and to teach you how to live in love with the power of love, as love, for love and enjoy your experience of heaven on earth as the result. One thing I am absolutely sure of is that everything and everyone is being upgraded from homes to humans , so get up to speed and have more fun! We cannot wait for the Real Estate industry to get over itself and be more helpful with the solution instead of remaining part of the problem. -Siobhan Nicolaou |
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September 2024
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