The Art of Self Healing, EET©
The cost of workshop reflects %7 transaction fee
$367.50 per person and requires minimum two people for a class. 5 Hours.
**A completed consent form is required by all before the workshop. All children under 18 must have parental signature as well as their own.
In this workshop you will receive and practice:
• Several transmutation techniques that make the “Self” of Love conscious within the emotion and physical bodies. Tools to transform “darkness” without separation or resistance -thus reclaiming the light of the soul and re awakening Spirit within matter.
• Knowledge that Golden Light is the essence of all physicality in this dimension and the key to experience freedom from the perception of duality, which the root cause of all suffering and disease as well as the subsequent realization of Spirit within form.
• An instruction manual with tools we will work with to expand your consciousness and support other healing modalities you may practice.
• Great for everyone who wants to learn how to transform emotional energy within themselves and others and learn specific tools for Self Healing.
• This class is designed for adult pairs so you can practice. Its okay to guide children (kids LOVE this stuff) who can be present and practiced on during that part of the workshop. No charge for children.
• This course is ideal for Reiki Master Teachers, Reiki II practitioners, massage therapists, energy workers who want to get up to speed with the leading edge of "Self" Healing.
• Siobhan will guide you through several techniques and meditations using her Golden Light Siddha Energetic oils© to assist you, your clients and loved ones in the transmutation of emotional energy within the physical body during a hands on / above energy session.
• This is a powerful step to enable anybody to transformation emotional energy within the physical body and bring about lasting transformation within them. As we reclaim the love light that we are we manifest heaven on earth everywhere and in everything!
• Siobhan's Golden Light Siddha Energetic Oils© support this work on many levels and will be available at a discount for this workshop when you purchase 2 or more.
- Wear loose fitting comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle to refill. Snacks, purified water and beverages are included at live events.