Holding the Space so Healing can Happen, Both days in Person
The cost of workshop reflects %7 transaction fee
Holding the Space so Healing can Happen, A Workshop Designed for Being Effective in our Changing Times
How well equipped are you to effectively help someone who you can’t get to physically?
In this powerful and revealing workshop you will learn and practice using remote skills to be able to help others across space and time.
Reach Siobhan with any questions at 775-722-7716 or [email protected]
You will learn about and experience :
- Integrity in service
- Mind management, Energy management
- Space preparation
- Energy preparation
- Techniques in remote viewing and “healing”
- Your Heart vs. Head for helping and how to tell the difference and soooo much more!
This event is being held in Sacramento, CA . Location provided with paid registration
Saturday, January 11th
Workshop 10am - 6pm
1pm - 2pm lunch ~ ** Saturday only In Person includes Lunch water and coffee
In Person : $250 ~ Saturday only participants
Zoom : $175 - Saturday only participants
~ Zelle 650-380-3016 or Apple Pay to avoid transaction fees
Sunday January 12th
Continental breakfast 8am - 9am
Meditation, Q &A 9:15am - 11am
Both days ~ In Person includes the continental breakfast on Sunday
In Person : $350
Zoom : $225 ~ Zelle 650-380-3016 or Apple Pay to avoid transaction fees
**Dinner is available until 7:30pm and not included in your tuition.**There is also a discount on rooms for those of you who wish to stay overnight.