Lecture: On any Topic of Interest for your Group
Cost will reflect a %5 transaction fee and is determined by the number of participants and if it is a live event. Expenses for travel and in some cases lodging will be detailed and included in our written estimate.
If you would like to host a Private Talk (zoom or in person) for your colleagues, or friends and gather 8 or more paying guests, there is a discount and gift for the host.
Popular Topics include : EET© Emotional Energy Transformation, The Art of Self Healing , House Healing, Past lives, Ghosts, Demons, Angels, Yeshuah, God, ET's or any other spiritual topic you would like to be more informed about and how her services can help you.
At these comfortable and informative lectures, Siobhan will speak for 1 1/2 hours on any subject you choose pertaining to any aspect of her work. The last 30 minutes are reserved for Q & A from the audience.