1. First lets get literal Definition of Great: of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average. " the article was of great interest" synonyms:considerable, substantial, significant, appreciable, special, serious;
Great is as always a matter of perception and one's perception of "great" when compared to what others, society etc. call great, is where "great" not only diminishes their service in this perception, but diminishes the light within from whom the comparison comes. No one is called to serve the same. Alexander the Great was Great for what that meant then. Tutored by the most awesome philosophers , his soul path to become King and leader. He was the great example of how people were led and influenced by the consciousness of the time. It takes courage to align with what is your mission and bring it about for the benefit of others. No matter what your calling, no matter how you will your spirit, no matter how it looks to others, it serves. . . someone is always being served no matter what. Great is what most often has been put in place by the ego and not your own. One is Great because of how many followed him or her, how many people benefited from its service. Or by how many elevate this person above themselves not recognizing their own greatness. Then when they are disappointed finding those they put above themselves as human, they seek to tear them down through their own veil of unworthiness. Sometimes "great" is measured in how softly one walks in the world, and to those who feel this type service is somehow more worthy than that of those who express themselves from the same source in a different way, do no not what it means to serve. When one who serves as a beacon of a love that inspires growth through truth, it is only considered great by those who have the courage to love their own resistance. It takes perhaps more humility to serve God from a larger more dynamic platform because the ego must constantly surrender in the face of resistance in order to do so. The connection to the self must be held strong and able to fair the relentless storms of criticism, comparison, and ignorance projected upon self from others. Immense compassion is required here because to love all faces from which this darkness is cast, is to understand their pain from the other side of your own, How you love yourself is how you are able to love others. What makes someone "great" is the amount of light they hold and exude. Their words then carried on the frequency from which they are aligned, goes out and touches everyone in their path. For most people the vibration of the Christ, unconditional love, is what is most sought after because people have not yet aligned with that source of love within themselves. They follow and seek external love because they need to feel love they need to feel loved. Even when presented with the tools to nurture this connection, they do not want empowerment, they would rather gather more around themselves who need love and try to be that for each other. However, when one is aligned with the love within themselves, they seek not love, acceptance or approval from external reality, They have moved beyond the need to be loved, to being the love and a shining example for others. Live great! Be great and Serve!
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AuthorSiobhan Nicolaou - Archives
August 2020
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